Nuclear energy is collected natrually using the chain reaction.
Nuclear reactors work by fission. Uranium nuclei can be easily split by shooting neutrons at them.once a uranium nucleus is split, multiple neutrons are released which are used to split other uranium nuclei. This phenomenon is known as a chain reaction.
The advantages of this energy source are that Earth has limit on supplies of coal and oil. Nuclear power plants could still produce electricity after coal and oil become less.
Nuclear power plants need less fuel than ones which burn fossil fuels. One ton of uranium produces more energy than is produced by several million tons of coal or several million barrels of oil.
This energy source is good for the environment because coal and oil burning plants pollute the air. Well-operated nuclear power plants do not release contaminants into the environment.
The disadvantages are NUCLEAR EXPLOSIONS!! Nuclear exposions produce radiation. The nuclear radiation harms the cells of the body which can make people sick or even KILL them. Illness can strike people years after their exposure to nuclear radiation.
They are 31 states that use a natural power source or nuclear energy.
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